Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Old Blog Here

Just wanted to remind everyone that posts to my old blog are right here. :)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

BoBo - 12/27/2007

Everyone, say hello to Bobo.

Isn't he adorable? Click on him to make him bigger. Last Friday, while Jake was celebrating his birthday at his gradfather's, and David was working, Isabel & I had a girl's night out - which means shopping. While in Old Navy, Isabel discovered a bin full of stuffed animals and found the softest ever green monkey. Isabel and the monkey danced and danced, to the pleasure of store personnel. I asked one clerk "If you can find another green monkey and have him hidden by the register for me, I would really appreciate it." The Old Navy employee did this for me. I purchased some clothes, which they placed atop the green monkey in the shopping bag. Isabel was none the wiser. Kids are SO easy at this age.

Come Christmas morning and in the hubub, I forget green monkey, who was hiding out in my closet. I later find him and hand him to Isabel. She is so excited she hugs and kisses him. "Bobo" and she have been inseparable. He didn't have a name. I asked her what his name was, but she seemed confused by "naming him," so I asked, "Is his name 'Willy?'" "Nooooooo," she replied. "Is his name 'Greeny?'" "Nooooooo," she replied. "Is his name 'Bobo?'" "YES! BOBO!" and she hugged him.

Happy Birthday David - 12/27/2007

Do you all know how hard it is to have a son born 12/21 and a husband on 12/25? Do you? Do you know how hard it is to shop during Christmas?? It is HARD!!


My darling husband was born on Christmas Day.

David Birthday
Poor David. It can't be easy sharing a birthday with THE MAN.

We opened gifts early for him this year. His good friend Niki was in town, so we went to Joe's Crab shack and then back here for prez-nints. (click to see bigger).

Assassin's Creed Game & book, Wheaton Glee Club 100 year embroidered fleece blanket and polo, grill cooking utensils.

Happy (belated) Birthday David!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Aye, Amen! - 12/26/2007

Fifty bucks and a refilled brake line is all we needed. It was clouded up & causing our stick shift to stick.

Be Thankful

Thanks to the local mom & pop mechanic outfit 2 miles from here, Osteen Automotive Repair, that helped us out immensely.

Aye Aye Aye - 12/26/2007

Well, here I am, Wednesday morning. I am supposed to be at work. BUT the clutch just died on the Jeep. Nothing says Christmas like a huge car repair bill. *sigh*

We knew this was coming. The clutch started acting up a month ago. Sometimes we just could not get it into first gear and would start in second. Other times, it worked perfectly. This morning, I could not get it in reverse. David managed to do it for me while it was shut off, but by the time I got to the end of the street, no amount of shoving or cajoling would get that car into any gear. NO WAY I am driving 20+ miles to work on a hope and a prayer. So, I turned off the Jeep, put it in reverse and got back to my driveway.


I am waiting for a coworker to come get me and then I will probably spend most of the day getting the Jeep towed, renting a car, and bracing myself for the estimate to get the clutch fixed.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Jacob - 12/24/2007

Yes, I know I am a little late posting this. His birthday is on 12/21. It was on a Friday, his last day of school before break.

From David, Isabel and I, he got Sony Acid Music Studio 7. It allows him to create music on our computer. He never smiles, but he kept thanking me all day for buying him this. We also got him a Domokun sweatshirt.

It's a random Japanese cartoon character. domo-kun

Happy 14th Jacob! You Rock! Now go clean your room. :)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pupil Pianist - 12/20/2007

This is Jake's school piano recital. They had a show called "Cool Yule" with most of the kids taking piano lessons performing a small holiday piece.

And here he is at home playing a piano rendition of a song from In The Groove 2 (like Dance Dance Revolution) called Hard Core of the North.

Here's the video game with some random people dancing to the song he just played.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hurray! - 12/19/2007


baby on potty

I think she was just as surprised as I was. She was begging for a diaper (we keep her in panties & try and try and try). Instead, I said let's got sit on the potty (again) and read books (again). She then ordered me out of the bathroom because she can read the books herself! She whines when she really has to go, but she just won't do it. There are tears, and cries and pain. Tonight, she whined a little, but I just think she forgot, because all of a sudden, I hear it. Her face was shocked and then we both clapped! It's a start!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Sanjaya! - 12/17/2007

Yes, this is his school picture. A Co-worker said "Hey, it’s Sanjaya!" Oh, it’s ok! It’s not like I am posting naked baby pictu…..

Huh. How'd that get there?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Gonna Find out Who's Naughty or Nice !- 12/13/2007

"Mom," Jake says. "Today, David asked me if I wanted to see if I could figure out what's in our stockings. I told him no way, it's cheating.......then we did it anyway."

This, dear friends, is my husband's wise influence yesterday. He & my son proceeded to touch, shake and manhandle all the gifts in their stockings!

Today, the phone rings at work.

Me: Thank you for calling blah blah blah, can I help you?

David: I can't believe you used industrial packing tape on the presents.

Me: Why are you touching the presents?

David: You taped them all over the place with this stuff!


He does. He peels them open and looks at them. WHY? Why do this? Why ruin the surprise? It made me SO mad!

I get home this evening.

Jake: Mom, David was shaking his present all around trying to figure out what it is.

I don't get this. Someone please explain this to me.
