Saturday, April 29, 2006

I Tiwad - 04/29/2006

I'm tired. Stop the insanity. I caulked several places in both bathrooms, touched up some paint around the house, scrubbed the kids bathroom entirely, finished our bathroom that I started on last night, ate a bowl of cereal, mopped both bathroom floors, folded a load of laundry, put another load in the dryer, polished the dining room table - all while a toddler either (a) smiled and had a lovely time (b) cried/whined (c) growled yelled or (d) pulled me towards the pantry for yet another snack. And will someone please tell me how to tell a toddler that, no, it is not ok to put peanut butter on mommy's freshly painted wall..cause I tell ya....I got nothing.

She's napping now. Yay. As soon as she gets up, it's off to Home Depot, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond. For now, I'm going to lie on my bed..possibly get out of my cleaning/yucky clothes. The possibilities are endless...for 2 hours anyway.

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