Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Listening to Fear - 07/26/2006

Hello There,

Long time no talk. We've just been working & living. J's been with his dad's side of the family and I had a minor scare yesterday & today. I called his dad to talk to J. The call went straight to voice mail. I call J's big brother. That call went straight to voice mail. So, I call Jake's grandpa Al. Al has not heard from them and he's mad - it's 7:23 p.m. and they were supposed to be there at 7 for dinner (all 3 of them; J, his dad & brother). J's dad called Al to see if they could come over for dinner. Low on $$ and all. So Al says yes, and they are late. I ask Al to have J call me when he gets there.

9:30 p.m. I call Al. They still have not arrived, and both the phones are still going to voice mail. I was both furious and scared. I did not give J his cell phone this visit because his dad ended up keeping it for a week to use as his personal phone the last time J was with him, and let me tell ya..I am NOT funding my ex-who-has-not-paid-child-support-in-three-years and his phone needs. I left more messages. I called again at midnight and left even angrier messages involving missing persons and police.

6:30 a.m. Voice mail on both cell phones again (J's dad and J's brother). I am now imagining (a) a scene involving ditches and paramedics and (b) a scene involving my ex absconding with both boys and (c) my ex taking the boys to the beach or something and not telling anyone. Scenario A was first & foremost on my mind. I call Al in tears at 7:30 and he promises to go by J's brother's apartment. He goes, and sees no cars there. He leaves and calls me to say he'll start calling local hospitals. I am at work and am shaking. Al calls back and says "J is fine. I thought it was weird that both cars were gone. Greg and little Greg don't hang out. They went off in different directions, so I went back to the apartment and knocked on the door. J peeped his head out a side window (good boy for not opening the door) and said 'Hi Grandpa!'" At which, I started bawling again and asked to speak with him. Mr. Nonchalant thought I was utterly insane for crying and was fine. He left with his grandpa back to his house.

Too much drama for this mama. I'm thinking of getting a parental block phone for J. He can only make calls to me, and 2 or 3 other phones I preprogram.

Off to happier subjects: a hottie. Yes, yes. I know, shocking? David took our girl to work with him yesterday. He & I work less than 3 miles away from each other, so I was to go get her after I got off. He got there early to show her off to his new manager. I arrive, all spiffy because our VP had come to visit the branch that day. I am in my Anne Taylor turquoise shirt that I love, my brown Wentworth slacks, and my wonderful brown/turquoise shoes that I blogged about a few months back. LOL Anywhoo, I meet the new boss, pick up my girl and leave.

Today, David tells me of a conversation he & his boss had. He said something to the effect of: "Wow. David, you did GOOD." And then something about them being average Joe's and he hopes he could get someone like me too. *snort*
So, yea. Hottie.

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