"Life's a show, and we all play our parts.." - Joss Whedon.
Let's see how this blog thing works. I was going to title this blog "How the hell'd I end up here?" but, I kind of like here, no matter what it took to get here.
Welcome to my blog. I love to chat & e-mail LONG-winded daily stories. So what better place to put those than here.
We're in the process of fixing the house to sell. The new carpet gets installed tomorrow. We've been busting out butts getting it fixed. David's parents & grandma even came down to help. How cool was that? Let me tell you, my family....yea. Well, to be fair, mom's in Puerto Rico. But David's 'rents drove 9 hours+ to help us out...and it wasn't a major production or ordeal. They asked us if they could come & help. That was nine hours, people. It was very cool of them.
"I"'s got a fever. She's sweating, drinking lots of fluids and watching a Spanish Sesame Street dvd for the second time in a row. She loves it. J's hiding somewhere behind the couch playing a video game and the neighbor is dropping off his daughter for me to watch her until 11:30 p.m. or so. (He has to work and the babysitter bailed. Plus, he's helping David fix his brakes. We got quoted $1,000 to get them fixed!! The neighbor & David are going to look them over tomorrow and see if he could do it for us. So, I couldn't say no to watching his daughter). She's a good kid. BRILLIANT red hair - so beautiful.
Dinner.....I hate cooking. Is it wrong that I want to feed my kids Froot Loops and be done with it? I think I am going to take my buddy Amy's lead and make a menu for 2 weeks ahead of time. She does a month. I can't think that far ahead. I think a menu will help structure things so I'm not coming home from work at 5:15 p.m. and then have to figure out what's for dinner. Tonight? Pizza works for me. :)
Lens Crafters, You So Crazy!
7 years ago
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