Etiquette...that's out the window. No one cares anymore. They don't. You put forth an effort, you do something for someone....and nothing. I know, I know, we're supposed to do things to be nice to others, but since when is not appreciating what someone does for you o.k.? How many times do you have to get dissed or ignored before you say, "You know what, I'm done?" I HATE excuses. Don't give them to me. You are NOT that busy, that is a bogus excuse. I have children, a full-time job, a house to clean up, dinner to make every night after my full time job. Guess what? I call you. I write you. I send you things. I make cards for people. I carve stamps. I read books. I don't want excuses. Own up or shut up. Oh wait, you have the "shut up" part down, because you never call to say thanks. "Thank you" cards are a ridiculous waste of your time better spent doing who knows what. But by all means, please feel free to complain about OTHER people who don't say thanks to you and don't communicate with you. I'm still waiting for about 5 thank-you calls. I'm done. Call me just because, not because you need something from me. Appreciate me or don't bother. I'm done expending all this energy on selfish people.
(The Message, Firefly Episode 111)
Lens Crafters, You So Crazy!
7 years ago
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