Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Redefinition - 03/13/2007


Let's discuss something. The difference between "Your" and "You're." It perturbs me. I mentioned my being perturbed and was told I needed a hobby, but as the teller does not read my blog anyway, whatever.

You're. It stands for You Are. It is called a contraction. We are squishing the words together because....well, we're lazy. See that? I used another contraction; we're. As in "We are."

You Are Crazy = You're Crazy

You Are needed in the conference room = You're needed in the conference room.

You are stepping on dog doo. You're stepping on dog doo.

Any time you can say "You are," you can use "You're." With me?

"Your," on the other hand, signifies possession. Something that belongs to you.

Your dress is pretty. The dress belongs to you.

Your report was due yesterday. The report...that belongs to you.

Your butt is big. (IS NOT). The butt, that belongs to you, is big. Got that?

When I see people say "Your Welcome," I always say to myself "Your welcome what? Your welcome face brightens my day? Your welcome smile greets visitors as they walk in the door?"

You are welcome; you're welcome.

Your Awesome! Saw that one on a web site recently and I thought -My awesome what? Hair? House? Butt? What of mine is so awesome? Ooooooh, you mean "You are awesome" or "You're Awesome."

Your house. It belongs to you. (side note: You actually CAN use the expression 'You're House,' but only if you're talking to Hugh Laurie.)

Please.....if you can say "You are.." you need to use "You're." If it belongs to you, then you can use "Your."

"Your dog is sweet. You're sweet as well."

"Redefinition", Angel Season 2, Episode 11

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