Friday, August 11, 2006

Forever - 08/11/2006

I'm a Whedonist. I have not wanted to watch t.v. since the demise of the Whedonverse: Buffy, Angel & Firefly. The a genious. Really. If you have not seen his shows, then you cannot talk. And I don't mean one little episode. I mean full seasons. THEN you can comment. The language, the slang, the intelligent dialog, the funny-as-**** dialog. ("Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal" - Wash, "Serenity" 101.) The "actually having a plotiness" of it all. *sigh*

I've been rewatching Firefly this week. I miss Captain Tightpants. I miss Kayleigh, Zoe, Wash, Inara, Jayne (The Hero of Canton, the man they call.....Jayne), Book, River, Simon & Serenity. I love how Joss hired a Chinese linguist to teach the cast how to curse in Chinese so they can get away with it here. And how the future is a Chinese/American universe. The silence of space, the weird camera angles. The cowboys & country slang in space, in the future. I want to know what's up with the Blue Hands dudes. Funny how the show was cancelled because of Fox's ineptitude (moving the nights around, NOT showing the pilot first. Not showing them in order at all) and then....they release it on dvd and have record sales. Ooops, Fox. Joss never gives up, gets Universal to fund it, and bam...Movie.

Speaking of .. Joss, I have a bone to pick with you about that. Two words: Wash and Book. To quote a T-shirt I saw: "After seeing Serenity, I am never speaking to you again, Joss. Except when I meet you at a convention and tell you how awesome Firefly is. But more speaking."

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