Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco - 08/29/2006

Ernesto - the 5th named storm this season. (See how I rocked that Angel title there? Do I not rock? Is it less cool that I point out my coolness?)

And here we are. My son does not have school tomorrow - the county cancelled classes, as did most Central Florida counties. I was a little worried today. A little. Not ever having been in a 2-story house during a storm, or knowing what this area is like during one (we were told we're not in a flood zone), I was wondering what would happen. I went to Target during my lunch break to get some supplies, not hurricane supplies, just supplies. The store was not busy at all. I mean it was, but it always is. It just wasn't "Oh-my-gawd-get-that-last-bag-of-Cheetos-because-we'll-never-see-Cheetos-again!!!" busy. There were plenty of batteries left, plenty of water, plenty o' stuff.

Right now, Numero Cinco is a Tropical Storm (45 mph), dumping 4-6 inches of rain on south Florida. I'm thinking we're dodging the bullet on this one.

I did pick up some extra batteries and this danged box of hair color, what is supposed to be called "Dark Spice." We're going fisticuffs fo' sho'.

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