Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Wild at Heart - 12/05/2006

Last Thursday was month-end at work. Last day of the month to bill stuff. My official motto for month-end is "BILL! BILL! BILL!"

It wasn't as stressful as any other day. The usual stress. Around 2 p.m., I am sitting at my desk, when I realize that I can't get my heart to stop pounding. I stop. I start breathing deeply. I cannot get it to stop. The pulse in my neck is pounding. I had no idea what was happening. I was not stressed or irritated that second or those 10 minutes before, for that matter.

The salesman walks in and sees me with my hand to my neck and my eyes closed. "What's the matter" he asks. "I don't know," I told him. "I can't stop my heart from pounding." He goes into protective mode, God love him, and starts hovering over my desk. "Want to go to the clinic? Let's go, I'll drive." I kept reassuring him I would be ok. He made me get up, walk around and kept telling me to breathe. Like a mother hen, he bugged me. He got me a Coke (not sure if that was even right - caffeine?), he hovered some more, offered to take me to the clinic 2 more times, and told me to stop freaking him out.

I kept working and around 4:30 p.m. I realized everything was back to normal. It was SO weird. I REALLY need to calm down (hence the laughing at the bird lady, rather than freaking out). I have been trying real hard & earnestly, to let things slide off my back, slick as goose poop. :)

Now, if I can shake these flu-like symptoms I'm feeling, that'll be great, thanks.

Wild at Heart, Buffy Season 4, episode 6

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