Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Innocence - 12/05/2006

Isabel and I took a "baff" together last night. I needed to bathe her and thought, what the heck. Let's get in the monster tub in my room together. I had never done that with her! Can you believe it?

She thought it was the most hysterical thing ever. First off, she starts by saying "mariposa, mariposa, mariposa." Butterfly, for you non-Spanish speakers. She was pointing at the ink on my hip. Then, when I got in with her, her eyes got all wide and she said "Mommy baff, mommy baff!" We splashed each other a lot, which had her giggling like a maniac. It was so cute. She would slip every so often (no bath safety seat) and then say "Cay-ful!!" (careful!)

Speaking of innocence, I'm driving back from Target to the office. I am heading north in the middle lane. There is a car in south-bound traffic trying to make a U-turn on to north-bound traffic. Well, right where she was, I needed to get in the left lane, because I was going to turn left in half a mile. She's trying to U-turn into the left lane and I'm switching from the middle to the left lane. She has to stop. She FLIPS ME OFF! People still do that?!? Seriously? I didn't even get mad because it was so ridiculous! Here's this lady in her 40's flipping me off. If life is that bad, really, take a breather. LOL So, she ends up behind me when we are turning left. I do the speed limit, cause I'm trying to be a good person, and also it'll make her mad since she seems to be in a rush. I make another left, so does she. A right and another right into the deli, she does the same. She keeps going though, to another business located in the same place as the deli. I'm placing an order for me & my boss and talking to David about "bird lady" when who walks in? Bird lady, asking the deli people if anyone "found" a $20 bill - she thinks she may have lost it half hour earlier when she was in the deli. Yea right. I'm SURE someone will just pick it up & turn it in, lady. I start laughing while on the phone and David has no idea why. I told him that karma just bit Bird Lady's butt.

Innocence, Buffy Season 2, Episode 14

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