Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Faith, Hope & Trick - 10/03/2007


Last Friday evening, I set a completely-full load of dishes to wash in the dishwasher. About 5 minutes later, Jacob comes down and says "What's burning?"

The dishwasher wasn't washing. Water was barely trickling out of it and the washer thingy that spins wasn't spinning. Great. The smell was the burners inside that make the water super hot heating up. A dishwasher full of crusty, grimey dishes. FULL. It was late Friday night and I was NOT cleaning dishes at 10 p.m. on Friday night.

Saturday morning, after breakfast which David missed because he was still sleeping, I called Jacob over. I filled the sink with hot soapy water and proceeded to wash and wash and wash and wash, while Jake dried and put away. Our dish drainer was way too small to hold an entire dishwasher full o' grossness. *sigh* He's a good kid, that Jake. It took us a good half hour to 45 minutes to get them washed, dried and put away.

We've been washing dishes by hand since Saturday, which is not a bad thing. I'm used to it. Up until "Blue House" I always washed dishes by hand. Why bother putting dishes in a dishwasher for just me & Jake, right? David hates hand-washing dishes and so does a horrid job of it. Horrid!

Tonight, I'm washing yet another cup and I'm thinking, I hate Volusia County's Tax Assessor. Remember when you were a kid or a teen and you'd hear the "old folks" (i.e. your parents who were only like in their 30's and were totally NOT old) talk about property taxes and boy-howdy I am voting Joe Candidate because he said he'd lower taxes? Yea, me neither. I was too busy teasing my bangs to new heights and bumming rides to the BK Lounge to care. Now I know what they were all talking about. These stupid property taxes make your mortgage go up if you have an escrow account. These taxes that just made our mortgage go up another $300 a month, AND depleted our savings by another $800 with a one-time bill to get us caught up on the deficit in our mortgage.Yea, hate property taxes and Volusia county, methinks, as I wash another cup, because there is no way in HADES we can afford to fix the dishwasher, which by the way, is out of warranty as of June.

I sigh. I decide to give it (the dishwasher) another try because I am a glutton for punishment and enjoy mentally beating tax assessors with frying pans that I just happen to be washing. I flip the switch and wait for the nothingness that is a whining motor. WHOOOSH! Water is spraying, the spinning thingy is spinning. What? I open it up quickly. Water is everywhere inside. I give a cheer, close it back up to run the load empty to clean out the gunk that was there from last week, thank God aloud and make a mental note to make sure I vote for the other guy.

You can soak in it

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