Thursday, May 24, 2007

Libros! 05/24/2007

Last week, during my lunch break, I went to the library. I never made it upstairs to the library. I got stuck perusing the book sale that the "Friends of the Library" book store had going on downstairs in the book store.

A hardbound copy of a book in a series David had in paperback was there. I like hardbound books, so I grabbed it. I can always "Paperback Swap" the paperback copy at home. Next, I found a PJ Tracy book. Remember the "Monkeewrench" book I reviewed? It's a series. I got a hard copy of book # 3; "Snow Blind." Wendy has # 2, so I am going to get it from her when she is done. I enjoyed the writing in "Monkeewrench." Next up, I found a hard copy of a Buffy The Vampire Slayer book. HEY, I deserve some fluffy Buffiness! Lastly, I got a cardboard kids book. I think it is called "The Potty Book."

I go to check out. Drumroll, please. $2.14. Yup, three excellent condition hardcover books and one kids book, for $2.00 plus 14 cent tax. Whooooot!

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