Saturday, May 26, 2007

Trash - 05/26/2007

Ok. Seriously. This happened. I will explain more and post some pictures when I am not so tired, but I HAD to tell you this story.

David, the kids and I went to the Central Florida Spring Gathering today at Hontoon Island; a letterboxing event. We had a great time. In fact, people are still having a good time, as some are camping there in cabins or tents over the weekend.

We did a hike, just the 4 of us. It's about 3 miles, round-trip. On our way to the "end" of the trail (one-way), I notice a very thin lady in a bikini, squatting down in front of a toddler girl. I think "She's helping her daughter with something"....only I realize the lady's bikini bottoms are around her ankles.

I stop in my tracks, and turn my 13 year old son and myself around; we stand there just waiting. David and our daughter were further behind us, as a 3 year old has teeny little legs and takes longer to catch up.

I turn around to see the lady and the girl leave to our right. As we start to walk towards where she was, a British couple that had passed us earlier and were making their way back, start saying to us "Mind your step. Walk to your far right" while the husband is asking "Did you see that?" We all stop together to talk. It seems they came upon her from the other side....and she was not just peeing.

There was a clearing there, right next to the river. Her husband/boyfriend pulled his boat to the clearing, she hopped off the boat with her toddler, left her "gift", went back on the boat and took off.

The British couple were disgusted, as were we, at what this lady had just done. She did not even cover it or bury it, or even hide in the bushes. STRAIGHT on the trail.

We covered our noses and looked away as we walked by. The thought of it made David and my son want to puke. I did not EVEN point out to the two of them that a "used" paper towel was also dropped on the way to the river.

For Real.

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