Thursday, May 24, 2007

Y MAS Libros! 05/24/2007

Today, after running errands with Jake (David is back home and he stayed with a napping Isabel) to the bank, the post office (3 rescued PLB's are on their way), Jake's school (yesterday was his last day of 7th grade. He left his mp3 player in a class. It was there. Phew!) and Lowe's, we stopped by the mailbox to get our mail. There was a large 5 lb box from I had no idea what this was, but it said "Powells Books" on the box as well. Books? Huh? The only book I am waiting on right now is the last Harry Potter book, but I have that on order with Amazon.

Jake & I bring it in and I open it. In it were nine different books. The receipt said it was ordered by Aunt Joan. David's Aunt Joan and I have been having e-mail conversations on books we like, ever since she read my "Grapes of Wrath" review. She mentioned so many of the books that touched her like "Grapes" touched me. She secretly ordered these books for me to read.

"The Chosen" by Chaim Potok

"The Color of Water": A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother" by James McBride

"Crime & Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky

"Crossing to Safety" by Wallace Stegner

"Cry the Beloved Country" by Alan Paton (she loved this before it became an Oprah book club book)

"The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank. *sniff* Jake was reading it in 6th grade and I cried as I read a passage to him.

"Good Earth" by Pearl Buck. Apparently Ms. Buck had some "issues" later in her career. I am interested to read not only this book, but about its author.

"A Green Journey" by Jon Hassler. Joan told me to read this first.

"Rascal" by Sterling North.

I am so excited that Joan did this; that she wanted to share the books that touched her, with me. I am honored and excited!

Thanks Aunt Joan!

Joan Rocks!

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