Grandma got out of the hospital this afternoon. My second (or it it third? Second once removed?) cousin Marisol happened to be there. She is my grandma's niece (the size 2). Marisol stayed with them while they checked out and then drove them to my house. My cell phone was grand central station. When are they leaving the hospital? I don't know, I'm at work. When are they flying home? I don't KNOW, I'm at WORK. My boss let me go home early. He was probably as tired of my phone ringing as I was.
I got home and Marisol was feeding them chicken noodle soup, God bless her. I cleaned the kitchen, as it was a wreck. The floor was covered in cookie crumbs. Isabel and my grandparents have about the same coordination, and all 3 were eating cookies, hence the crumbs. I started cooking dinner for Jake & I. Not the same food for my grandparents because they can't eat the same things. I got my grandma changed and into her pj's. I made coffee. I changed Isabel's diaper. I made rice for my grandpa and soup for Isabel. I did more dishes. I swept the floor again. Grandpa asked if I had gone on the internet yet to look at flights. David called & asked me to tape Smallville, oh and had I gone grocery shopping yet.
I went upstairs to put some of Isabel's toys away. In her room, her bed sheets had tons of chocolate spots on she went to bed with a cookie. I changed her sheets. I noticed not one but two days worth of clothes on her dresser. The hamper is 5 feet away, the closet, one. The tags from her new outfit she wore yesterday were still sitting on the dresser. The garbage can, one foot away.
I put my hands to my face and started bawling.
I asked Jake to please start Isabel's bath. He must have heard something in my voice, because not one word, or one huff did I hear. He jumped up and started her bath. Now, I'm off to run downstairs and see if Isabel is done so that I can plunk her in the bath. And tape Smallville. And then put her to bed. And then look at flights on the internet. I might even get a bath. If I can stop crying.
Lens Crafters, You So Crazy!
7 years ago
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