Sunday, April 15, 2007

Revelations - 04/15/2007

We're trying to find a church we can attend. We've really slacked on that aspect, mostly because of our schedules and David's late nights. We were going to go last week, but we felt rather lame going to a new church for the first time on Easter Sunday. We didn't want to be those people that go on Easter Sunday, Christmas Eve and ...that's all I can think of.

We went to a church of my choosing, about a mile from the house. We missed the 9:00 a.m. service and so went to the 11:00 a.m. one. It POURED. Buckets. We're all dolled up. David's in a nice shirt and tie, I'm in a new shirt and cute red skirt (Anne Taylor) and heels. Isabel's in a cute red & white dress. Jake has new jeans, a nice shirt. As we arrive, I notice what everyone else is wearing; shorts, flip flops, jeans and tank tops. I was a little aghast.

I grew up Pentecostal. Yes, that's right. Pentecostal. We worshiped and we worshiped loudly. We sang, we moved to the music, we yelled "Amen Brother!" a lot. It was fun. My church was a small one; about 300 strong. Half the church was the pastor's own family. I felt like part of a family. We dressed appropriately. We were allowed to wear pants and cut our hair (much to the contrary of the popular belief that Pentecostals always wear skirts and never cut their hair. The Pastor's wife had a very short cut hair. Shorter than a bob). We could wear jeans, shorts whatever....just NOT to church. Church was a place where you respected and revered the Lord. Dressing like you're going to the club, or just came back from the beach was not acceptable. Yes, I know the Lord is happy that you are just there to worship. He is. Your clothes do not matter. But after a while of church going, you should want to dress nice for church. That's my opinion anyway.

Now, I go to bigger churches, for instance, Northland. Wonderful church...but so darned big, they have satellite feeds to various cities. We went a few times, but I felt like cattle. I felt absolutely no connection there. You had to join "groups" to get to know people. As much as I would love that, I have two kids and a husband who works screwy hours. We stopped going to Northland.
This church today was also non-denominational like Northland. I cannot go to a church where everything is calm and quiet. I can't. I go to visit churches where they have psalm books and the members don't even have to open them, because they sing the same 20-30 ones over and over. Solemn, quiet, soprano. I can't do solemn and quiet. I need to REJOICE LOUDLY. David, on the other hand, is used to the calm & quiet churches. Therein lies our dilemma. The churches I want to go to are too loud for him; his choices put me to sleep.

We walked into the church in the pouring rain. Looks like a converted warehouse. Isabel went to the daycare center (nicely decorated and equipped) without a peep. She loved it and they did not have to call us out to get her at all, which is a first. We got a program and sat all the way in the back (expecting someone to get us to come pick up Isabel.) A man in a green striped polo, jeans and a headset wrapped around his ear, came up to greet us. His name was David.....and he was the pastor. In jeans and a polo.

Once he left, my David said "I have never seen that before. A Pastor wearing jeans and a polo to preach." My David then proceeded to take off his tie, and place it in my purse.

The music was AWESOME. There's this acoustic guitar player who needs to have a record deal already. He was great. The sermon was good. I was not bored, I followed what he said. Jake even paid attention and said he liked it. We left to a bright, windy afternoon, with Isabel very content.

I told David we could try a few more churches to see if anything "clicks." He gets to pick next week. We'll see where he chooses and if it's a fit.

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