Thursday, November 15, 2007

Goodbye to You - 11/15/2007

We're sad. The cool neighbors moved one month early. They were leaving in December. These are the neighbors that gave us their lawn mower and whose daughter is Isabel's first *real* non-family friend. *sigh*

Mr Neighbor came over Saturday to say they moved up their Thursday! WHAT? Huh? No!

I planned on making a scrap book of all the cool times Isabel and their daughter spent together; Isabel's birthday, her birthday, 4th of July, random days where we watched her or she came over to play, the football game her dad officiated and we went to see. I printed pictures, bought a mini-scrap book and went to town. I finished it last Friday. He told us they were moving the next day. Talk about timing. (and "chip-missing" David turns to me in front of him and says "Hey, did you finish that thing you were making for them?" My reply, "Yes, you moron." Anyone have a sensitivity-chip available?)

I invited them over to dinner on Wednesday. In the meantime, random things kept appearing in our garage. Three gallons of unused bleach. A bike. Car mats. Yesterday, they came over for dinner and asked to borrow Isabel's wagon. They emptied their fridge and freezer and brought it over. Holy cow. And all their cleaning supplies (the moving company won't transport chemicals). We had fajitas (steak, shrimp & chicken) with all the fixings, including rice and refried beans.

Mrs. Neighbor loved the scrapbook.

The moving van just left. Mr. Neighbor came by to bring more cleaning supplies, give me a hug, and drop off a $100 Visa gift card (he said for mowing their grass while their house stays on the market, but that was what the lawnmower was for). There they go.

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