Thursday, November 15, 2007

Must....Choke....Phone - 11/15/2007

Learn Some Manners!

I hate cell phones. It is no secret. I hate that people assume that the if a cell phone rings that we MUST answer it. We are so self-important that this phone call MUST be the end-all and be-all call. I know one who answers the cell phone while using the bathroom! Really? Is it THAT important that you cannot wait 3 minutes and check your call record? Or people who are in a conversation with a live person in front of them, their cell rings and they cut the live person off to answer the phone. How rude!

Let me explain something about me: If I am tired, watching tv, bathing my daughter, taking a nap, talking to my son, cooking dinner, reading a book, etc. etc. I might not answer the phone. Sorry. LEAVE A MESSAGE. I will get back to you; you know how great I am at keeping in touch.

I have a couple of people both at work and in my personal life who will:

1) ..beep me on the two-way and immediately start talking. I AM ON THE PHONE WITH A CUSTOMER and all I hear is someone talking very loudly about something they need. Here's a tip: Give a "Courtesy Chirp." Beep someone....and WAIT. Don't assume that because you have free time, that the person you are beeping is free. I've been in the bathroom at work and heard my two-way chirp and the person start talking. I'm in the can....away from the phone - I can't hear you!

2).....beep me or call me on the cell while I am on the land-line talking to someone. When I don't immediately answer the beep or call, they immediately call my office land-line. HELLO???? I did not answer the cell phone or radio for a REASON. Why didn't you leave a message? Don't immediately call back on the land-line. I am busy with the many people calling me needing something.

There is no cell-phone courtesy and it kills me. I don't understand the rudeness of taking calls in a meeting, in a restaurant, while talking to someone in person. STOP IT ALREADY.

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