Monday, November 26, 2007

Into the Woods - 11/26/2007

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This book was sent to my with my Soap order from my friend Amy at The Foil Hat. I HAZ Protekshun from Guvunmint!

Written by Tana French, who reminds me of an angry elf and whose back cover photograph gave me the wiggins, is a mystery? Detective book? A Whodunnit set in Ireland. The main character is a man who at age 12, was found in the woods, terrified, covered in blood and with no memory as to what happened to his 2 best friends out there in the woods behind the housing development in Ireland where all 3 kids lived. Fast forward 20 or so years to this man, now a Murder detective (no one knows who he is; he is using his middle name as his first name now) who investigates another murder in the same woods.

For the first few chapters, I found the author's writing very...verbose. I vacillated between totally thinking she was a stuck-up word snob, and wishing I could write that way. I think it got better as I read, or I got more used to it.

The character, Ryan was very well-written and his partnership with Cassie, a female detective was great; something we all wish we had. Then towards the end, his character pretty much goes bonko after an incident with his partner Cassie and his actions are just so out of character, especially how their friendship was portrayed; I wanted to smack the snot out of him for how he treated her and was mad at him for it.

The case itself was weird and I did not guess who it was. I was hoping for closure, but then again, I don't want it. I want happy endings but then get mad if the story is too formulaic (Great Expectations) and I can predict what is going to happen, so I am usually fine with an ending that leaves things unresolved. (Joss Whedon hates happy endings and has destroyed me forever on them).

I liked the author's writing style when she was relating Ryan's flashbacks and memories; they were really alive with color and "senses". I also found that it was more "American" than Irish. I did not really get a European feel reading this, and that was a bit of a bummer, as I tend to really like European/British writing and movies.

I enjoyed most of the book. Even with creepy elf lady staring at me.

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