Friday, June 23, 2006

Move Update # 1 - 06/23/2006

Let's put aside the cool blog post titles for a moment (not that most of you even get what I am doing with the titles of my posts. First person who comments on what it is on this blog, gets cookies!) and update you on the move. It's official. We are in our new home. I am SO TIRED!!! I don't ever want to move AGAIN. This stinks.

Last we talked, I was upset because we had no help moving. I was speaking to my older sister, Brenda, telling her my moving woes. She immediately offers herself & husband up for fodder. They live about 3 to 3 & 1/2 hours away and said she would call me on Friday the 16th to tell me for sure if they were coming.

She called Friday to say they were driving up that night! I was so happy. They weren't actually going to help with the move from one house to the other. Our closings were one day apart. Old house on the 19th (Monday), new house on the 20th (Tuesday.) Brenda & Fede were coming up Friday the 16th to basically load the U-Haul so we could be out of the old house by Monday at 1 p.m. David was at work & J with his dad. Just me & the Squeak. My sister & her husband argued the. entire. time. It freaked me out! I was so uncomfortable...until I realized that this is their "thing." They bicker all. the. time. ALL the time. They both want to be right about everything. If the sky is blue and Brenda says Blue, Fede will say no, it's a light green. LOL Little things, like how he hands her the keys with an attitude. LOL I know. They are both too much alike so they argue all the time, but they're ok with it too. Really weird. Too much energy for me to exert.

Let me tell you this though: without them, we would be mud. Fede and David loaded that truck UP in half a day (with Brenda in tow telling Fede the best way to load, Fede yelling at her to stop kicking the boxes.) We went out to eat a few times too. It was actually quite fun, once you ignored the bickering. I owe them.... A LOT. They left Sunday morning. David and I spent Sunday and Monday doing the last minute "throw-whatever's-left-in-whatever-box-you-can-find-and -Lord-forbid-you-need-it-when-you-get-to-the-new-house-cause-you'll-never-find-it" shuffle.


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