Tuesday, June 6, 2006

School Hard - 06/06/2006

Take Two. Mrs. Squeaklefritz came over to the computer, hit some button and my post disappeared.

Summer officially began for J last week. I went by yesterday, Friday, to get his report card and dematriculate him. Took a little while for the ladies to figure out what to do. He is officially a 7th Grader, Thank GOD. My honor Roll, never-got-a-B-until-one-time-in-5th-grade-and-I-think-it-was-because-his-teacher-did-not-like-him-but-I'm-not-bitter child turned into a boy who I was afraid would have to go to summer school. He could not get it together all year. No focus. He'd DO all the work....then forget to turn it in. And those teachers..they don't ask. You're just supposed to automatically become a responsible adult in the summer between 5th & 6th grade. It was a constant battle. It also does not help that if J can't do something right the first time, he gets frustrated and gives up. He's a perfectionist. So then, J started lying about homework, I'd believe him, find out about the lie, scream my head off, punish him, and them check his backpack and e-mail his teachers religiously. He'd get back into the groove, so I'd slack off...and he'd start the whole cycle all over again. It was very frustrating to see my super-genius act this way. He'll be 13 soon. Can't wait for that.

We have about 18 days to pack. I have been trying to get rid of things that I don't need and have not used in forever. My # 1 pet peeve right now? WHY why why do we keep the soaps and tiny bottles of shampoos from hotels? And then we store them under the sink..for what? Why? I have little bottles from my trip to Puerto Rico in 2003. Worse...bottles of small shampoo from my 2000 business trip to San Diego. Why am I saving these? I'm not going to take them on a trip because...more free shampoo there. It's really ridiculous. These past 2 weeks, I have been using them ALL up. Shampoos, conditioners, teeny bars of soap. I can't just throw them out, have you met me? I am down to ONE teeny shampoo and one teeny conditioner. Then I am done. Swear this oath with me people "I will no longer collect shampoos, soaps & conditioners from hotels. There is no point in saving these for years."

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