Saturday, September 23, 2006

Belonging - 09/30/2006

Howdy all. My sisters came last night and left today. Brenda invited our other sister Vicky and, surprise! She came along. We had Brenda, Jonathan, Vicky and of course Miss Diva over for the night. Brenda brought up the picture she made for our girl.

When our girl saw the picture, her eyes got wide and she said "Dowa!" (Remember, click the picture to make it bigger. If you right click and do open in new window, you'll be able to scroll up & down each picture).

Awesome, right? And since I was taking pictures, here is the rest of her bedroom. This is what you see when you walk in her room.

The crib is sort-of a daybed right now, but the side guard is so huge, it still keeps in her her bed. She can't get out unless we help her. Those are the Disney colors we were discussing. There is a border of "fairy dust." It was done with a Disney stencil and was quite the pain. When you look straight to the right on the wall here, we have a shelf with drawers, where we hung her fairy wings from last year's Halloween costume.

Notice that David painstakingly painted all the edges/molding by hand. Also to the right when you walk in is her closet and her changing table.

Straight ahead is a wall with a window. Notice the toy chest David & I (mostly David) finished & sealed. We put up some shelves here as well. The Dora/Diego picture is already hanging on the wall now. There is still the large wall over her bed that we need to do something with. Just not sure what that is yet.

The family arrived while I was at work - some time around 3:30 p.m. I got off work around 4 p.m. and got home at 4:40-ish. David had to work. :( The sisters walked around the house again, commenting on this & that, while Jake & Jonathan played Guitar Hero. Like Dance Dance Revolution, only with a guitar. The boys also played with DDR. It was hysterical watching my nephew try to figure out the dance steps. I tell ya, it's really difficult the first few times. Jonathan is hooked and wants to buy DDR now. We went to a local strip mall where there was a Chinese & an Italian restaurant. We each ordered take-out (3 of us Chinese, 2 of us Italian) and brought it back home to eat. Mrs. Squeaklefritz went to bed, the boys continued their dance-a-thon, and the sisters sat downstairs in the family room gossiping (yes, we talked about you) :)
I woke up at 4:00 a.m. to find Jake & Jon still playing and I told Jake is go to sleep already. By the time my girl woke up at 8 a.m., everyone was scattered throughout the house. Jake fell asleep on the big couch in the loft. Jonathan slept in Jake's bed, Brenda was in the guest room, Vicky & Diva were downstairs on the family room couch. David was snoring away in our bedroom. Vicky & Diva moved up to the guest room when we all got up & started making noise in the kitchen. We just lounged about pretty much doing nothing until they left at 1:40 or so. (Vicky, you left your pajama pants. They're in the dryer right now. I threw them in the wash with all the towels). It was a quick wham-bam-thank-you-visit. :) Funny side note. My sister Vicky is the home decorating queen. When I got home from work at 4:30, she had already taken down my family room curtains and rearranged them, because I had "threaded them wrong." Something about one pointing towards the window and one away. I also noticed that the garbage can in the downstairs bathroom had been moved. LOL As she talked & walked through the family room, she was straightening my pictures and books. As she IS the home decorating queen, I am totally cool with any help I can get. Oh, I got presents from Vicky too. A gift card to Old Navy (shop-piiiiiiing) and a Booby Fairy.

Sorry, Vicky, but I am pretty sure the Booby Fairy moved on to greener 20 years ago. The big butt fairy, though, is alive & well and living in my closet.

"Belonging," Angel Season 2, Episode 19

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