Thursday, September 7, 2006

Earshot - 09/07/2006

My son has to ride his bike 1.7 miles to school and 1.7 miles back. Uphill. Both ways. Barefoot. In snow. Ok, I made the snow part up. He rides almost 3.5 miles a day. The kid has thinned out and shot up. He's gorgeous.

The large road that our Drive is off of was the "detour" road to be taken by people for when another road was under construction. Since we moved in, this large road near us was very busy. Now, they have re-opened the other road, and ours is no longer the detour road. It's great. The main road off ours is almost deserted. I mentioned that one day last week to my son. He said something to the effect of "Yea. When I ride my bike home, I stop at the intersection of *our street & main road* and just listen to the wind. You can hear the wind in the trees, now that there aren't so many cars. It's relaxing." He's a poet at heart.

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